Hey Ya'll! I am back and renewing my blog!
I recently went through some very personal events and will be posting a life update soon. But I am happy to say that I am feeling amazing and ready to move forward, and that includes getting back into couponing and sharing all the amazing deals with you guys!
My focus is on the Freebies & Cheapies! That includes MONEYMAKERS, completely FREE items, and I qualify CHEAPIES as items that you can get for around 50c or less!
I do not post long weekly deals match-ups. If you are looking for those, I can recommend a few couponing blogs who do this really well!
I just want to help you save money and get things for free or really cheap, and bonus if it's a moneymaker! That way you can build your stockpile, and by not having to spend money on those items every week, you can use that money to buy the groceries you can't get coupons for!
The lesson I want to teach my kids by couponing is this, "The less money you have to hand over to the cashier, the more money you can keep in your pocket to spend the way you want!"
I hope you enjoy my blog and find some amazing deals!