Sometimes the terms on a coupon can be so confusing! This post will help you clear up common confusion you might encounter when trying to use a coupon!
A coupon tells you the amount you'll save, the number of items you need to purchase, the brand name, the variety specifications, the size specifications, and any exclusions. The fine print will further list restrictions such as void if copied, altered, transferred, sold, or purchased, and other limitations such as limit one coupon per purchase or limit 4 like coupons per transaction.
If the coupon says SAVE $1.00 OFF ANY COLGATE TOOTHPASTE (4oz or larger) that means you can use that coupon for any tube of colgate toothpaste as long as it's 4oz or more. It may show a picture of their most expensive toothpaste they offer (colgate proclinical), but you can use it on any colgate toothpaste you want (colgate total), as long as you meet the size specification.
If the coupon says SAVE $1.00 OFF ANY COLGATE MAX TOOTHPASTE (4oz or larger) that means you have to use that coupon specifically for the Colgate Max variety, 4oz or larger.
If the coupon says SAVE $1.00 OFF THREE HAMBURGER HELPER that means you have to buy 3 boxes of hamburger helper (you can mix and match the variety), and you will save $1.00 total. It does not mean you will save $1.00 off each box. It will be about $.33 off each box.
If the coupon says void if COPIED, SOLD, ETC that means it's illegal to copy or sell the coupon. Coupons are intended for the person that received it, and manufacturers don't want the coupons sold or otherwise transferred. Coupon clipping services do exist, however, and get around this by charging only for their time and effort, not for the coupons.
If the coupon says Limit 1 coupon PER PURCHASE, that means you can only use one coupon per item purchased. You cannot use two $1 off coupons on one box of toothpaste.
If the coupon says Limit 4 LIKE COUPONS PER TRANSACTION, that means you can only use 4 of the exact same coupons during your whole transaction. One way around this is to do multiple transactions.
If the coupon says EXPIRES 5/31/11 you can use it prior to and on that date.