Extreme Couponing Secrets Revealed! - Have you seen extreme couponers get hundreds of dollars worth of groceries for free? You can, too! Learn the secrets behind extreme couponing and never pay full price for groceries again!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Where To Find Coupons!

The majority of coupons still come from Sunday newspaper inserts, such as SmartSource, RedPlum, and P&G.

You can also get coupons (or complete inserts) from a clipping service.  While it is illegal to buy and sell coupons, these services claim they do not sell coupons, they only charge a handling fee for their service.

Printable coupons are available from the internet.  You can print coupons from Coupons.com, SmartSource.com, RedPlum.com, and CouponNetwork.com.  You can also print directly from manufacturer's websites and facebook pages.